Coffee can help with weight loss, diabetes and more……join us as we get into the remarkable ways 2 cups of coffee can contribute to your well-being.


For many of us, coffee is more than just a morning ritual. It’s a need.

Without it, many of us get grumpy. However, did you know coffee harbors a wealth of health benefits beyond its aromatic allure and energizing?

Your morning brew could be the secret to a longer life. Recent studies from a Harvard professor, Edward Giovannucci, of nutrition and epidemiology, suggests that coffee may fact provide health benefits, said in an August 30, 2017 Consumer Reports article about the best coffees and coffee makers and the surprising health benefits.

Your humble cup of coffee contains a wealth of bioactive compounds. It contains antioxidants, caffeine, nutrients and has metabolic effects.

How do these help?

Table of Contents

Weight Loss and energy

Caffeine, the one that gives you the energy surge from a cup of coffee, is in charge of this.

It increases metabolic rate for a short period of time, thus helping burn more calories through the day. This is due to that “Adrenaline spike” you get.

Essentially, it makes you spend more energy doing the same task and gives you more energy.

During your workouts, the increased adrenaline release leads to better workouts. This is because you have more energy and will burn more doing the same task.

Moreover, coffee also reduces appetite through affecting hunger hormones.

Put simply, it helps you be less hungry and increases the base calories you burn from doing regular activities.

Cognitive Benefits

I’m sure we know how multivitamins helps the brain. However, now, let’s see how coffee helps you get over your brain drain. Moreover, let’s uncover the brain-boosting benefits of coffee and how it can enhance cognitive function, memory, and alertness.

Coffee antioxidants and caffeine work together to improve recall power. The caffeine gives you more energy to remember while the antioxidants reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. It’s a perfect combination, letting you remember more!

Additionally, caffeine helps to improve alertness. I’m sure we’re all familiar with the feeling of energy after a cup of coffee. This feeling is thanks to the adrenaline after caffeine. It helps get rid of tiredness or brain fog.


Battling blood sugar spikes? Then let’s find out how coffee can be a powerful ally in reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Is your blood sugar getting too high? According to a study published by PubMed Central, there is a fascinating inverse relationship between coffee consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes. Therefore, in simple terms, the more you enjoy your coffee, the lower your risk of developing this metabolic menace. (Limit to a maximum of 5-6 cups a day)

Moreover, it’s not just about the caffeine buzz. Both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee varieties were found to significantly reduce diabetes risk. No matter what kind you enjoy, your coffee habit is serving as a stealthy guard against type 2 diabetes.

Heart and Feelings

Coffee loves your heart as much as much as you do. Coffee’s Impact on Heart Health is significant, both physically and emotionally.

Feeling blue? Discover the mood-enhancing properties of coffee. How can it help combat depression and anxiety??


Coffee contains caffeine, which stimulates the release of dopamine—the brain’s “feel-good” chemical. This is the reason so many people are addicted to coffee!

Coffee is like a sunrise for your brain. It gives you the instant alertness, focus and happiness.


Coffee also lowers levels of a protein called PCSK9, which reduce “bad” cholesterol (LDL) in the body. Consequently, coffee helps reduce the risk of

  • Heart Attack
  • Heart Diseases
  • Stroke
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Peripheral artery disease

Drink your coffee knowing its good for you physically and mentally.


Next time you savor that comforting cup of coffee, remember that it’s more than just a delightful beverage. When taken in moderation, coffee and its countless benefits is a powerful ally in promoting overall well-being.

Do you usually spend $10 on coffee every day? That’s $3650 on coffee a year!

Imagine the convenience and joy of brewing the perfect cup right at home for less than half the price. Think about how much you could save long-term.

Need recommendations for getting a coffee machine best value for money? We’ve got you covered in our Best Coffee Machines Guide.

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