Have you ever wondered how much an average flight meal costs, and which are the most expensive in your meal. Well that’s what we are addressing today
The average economy flight meal ranges from $10-$20
The industry average cost breakdown looks like this
Vegetables: 15%
Protein (meat, fish, etc.):10-15%
Other ingredients (grains, dairy, condiments, etc.): 10-15%
Preparation and Cooking: 15-20%
Packaging: 10-15%
Labor: 15-20%
Logistics: 15-20%
Miscellaneous: 5-10%
So why do airplanes spend so little on their meals? It’s because they purchase everything in huge amounts, thus they are able to get raw ingredients and very low prices.
Now you know what to eat on your airplane meal to save money if you are almost full.